WELCOME to HypnotismPower!

HypnotismPower.com is created to share with you the spirit of Hypnosis, a science of the mind since time began, to assist in the search of the true 'self'.

HypnotismPower.com offers services on a variety of levels for a spectrum of tools for mastery and self-healing. We specialize in the field of the Auto-Suggestive Sciences, particularly in Self-Hypnotism; retraining the mind to self-heal and for the enhancement of human potential, offering self-help tools, teaching Self-hypnosis and Hypno-Motivation. Hypnotherapy for psychosomatic problems or goal setting are offered through e-courses, audio tapes and live sessions. Invitations for workshops and live demo presentations are welcomed worldwide.

This site not only serves to educate and instil awareness of the power of the mind but also to help trigger remembrance of Who You Truly Are when you CHOOSE every step of the way, to think, verbalize and act with our God-given FreeWill. Take a hold of the reigns of self-mastery and enjoy the Journey of Life.

Our Mission

Is to provide a tool of mastery of the mind using the auto-sugestive sciences, developing an opportunity for those who seek to 'remember' and rediscover their latent power, not only to self-heal, but also to unleash the vast potential from the vestiges of their sub-concious mind. To facilitate an opportunity for the seeker to study and explore the nature of the mind and consciousness, expounding on the concept of creation through thoughts. To assist in the search for the ‘awakening’ tools as we naturally step into the ‘quickening’ process of Ascension.


The Hypnotherapist / Instructor / Speaker

Take a look at our unique live hypnotism training courses, workshops and presentations. Get a Skype Hypnotherapy session for only £100. These are some of our featured products and services you would not want to miss!

  Hypnotismpower Skype Hypnotherapy